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If DIEALRIGHT is new to you, free up 10 minutes or so here and get ready for a mood-altering, heart-spinning, raw, grungy, pure rock fueled experience with this incredibly powerful 3-piece from Seoul, Korea! They have been described as psychedelic grunge, garage rock, post punk, post grunge, and more, but always with an adjective along the lines of, "awesome," "perfect," "powerful," "amazing," and while the genres may be hit or miss in terms of accurately describing them, the adjectives are all spot-on. We've had the pleasure of seeing them live countless times around Seoul (including at a number of our own shows), and spent the occasional late evening with them over drinks and other fantastic music. They have been featured in a short film, toured Europe, floored audiences since their debut in 2014 and now, with a jaw-dropping full length record and plans to tour more and more wherever they can, DIEALRIGHT is a band seriously on the rise! Get to know them first with our intro video, featuring music from Satellite:

What's in a name?

Singer, guitarist, and leader, Song Hwa Chae says she had been listening to The Hives' Die, All Right!, and found the song sticking in her head, so that when it came time to name their new band, it made sense to take it as a sign 😉


Album Story

From the moment I first saw them live, I was aching for recordings to put on repeat at home. Thankfully, the band has released two recordings in their 3+ years together, both of which fantastically showcase the unique songwriting, talent, raw energy and power of the trio. Their full-length album in particular is absolute perfection and I cannot recommend it enough for new fans and old. Read on for our mini-reviews along with links to read others' reviews and find links to buy them for yourself!

Satellite (2014) - EP

A 4-track monster of a debut, this EP lights up right at the start and stays on fire throughout. Each track is raw, crunchy, garage punk/grunge/rock at its finest. You will be hard-pressed to find a more stellar debut from anyone even close to this genre. We couldn't possibly choose one of the 4 to start with, so we'll just say this: light a candle, turn off the lights, turn up the volume and get your butt up and jumping to the whole of this treasure! And do be sure to bask in the drums and bass at the close of track 2, Do Not Eat 🤘

Minor World (2016) - LP

"Screw that, show me your heaven!"

Not to oversell this, but we won't be the only people you'll hear this from: this record is perfect. The drums, guitar and drums each tightly knot together and rock the hell out of your ears, with Song Hwa's electric vocals mixed beautifully over the top. If you like rocking, dancing, melting your face, screaming like no one's around or feeling raw emotions, don't wait another second and buy this record! Buy two and give one to your best friend to show them why they love you. We listen to the albums over and over again when writing these articles, and even knowing the songs so well, turning it up and sinking into this one has aggressively changed our understanding of what a rock record can and should be time and time again. Make sure to get on board with track 9, F-, as you'll love the give and take vocals of Seungil and Song Hwa when you get to see them live!

In case you are for some reason hesitating on buying, check out this album preview for Minor World to hear what we're talking about:


Live Story

If you've ever considered yourself a rock, of any kind, fan before, a full-on throw-back new-sound crunchy punk in the heart awaits you at a DIEALRIGHT show. Korea's had the pleasure since 2014, Europe got their taste last summer, and the band plans to continue touring the world in the months and years to come, so you'll soon have the chance soon, no matter where you live. And believe us, they will blow you away! From the style, to the energy, to the passion and the power, DIEALRIGHT's sets are nothing short of phenomenal. See for yourself below, but first, here's what to expect from a DIEALRIGHT live set:

-Soojung will kick the kit into submission while adding delicious elements to every part of each song.

-Song Hwa will rock the s*@t out of the stage in leather boots you or I couldn't even walk in.

-Seungil will carry the music with tight bass lines and a muted aggression that all showcases his talent, passion and musicality.

DIEALRIGHT performing one of their fan-favorites, Mad Queen, at Liverpool Sound City. A rare bass-drum-vocal song from the band that shows the incredible electricity they bring to the stage 🤟


Song Story

We obviously have great respect and love for this band and each and every one of their songs, but in Band of the Week tradition, we'll now put forth our 5 not-to-miss DIEALRIGHT tracks with one made-up word on why:

"U.R.A." Why? Big Prunch!

"Hunt" Why? Darnge!

"Hello" Why? Speem!

"Satellite" Why? Paingst!

"Johnny" Why? Hell Yirst!

And here it is, our passion and our pleasure: your quick-access get-to-know-them lyric video for DIEALRIGHT's Johnny!

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See you next time!


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~Keep RoKing my friends!~

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